第186号 深志教養ゼミなど、多様な学びの場
感想を見ると、創造力を育むこと、留学のこと、日々の努力と挑戦のこと、世界に羽ばたくこと、人生のヒント、世界を見る目、疑問を持つこと、問い続けること、これからの日本社会、など、幅広い視点から刺激を受けたことがよくわかる感想ばかりでした。遠藤先生の言葉として、特に「大学入学がゴールではなく、自分たちの未来はその先にある」や「Never, never, never, and never give up!」は多くの生徒が心に残った言葉と記していました。
数理解析研究所研究員の「南 規楽」さんの解読されない暗号通信の話、大学院生「春山瑳依子」さんの新時代の医療職「遺伝カウンセラー」の話、いずれも、生徒たちは真剣に話を聞き、多くの質問を投げかけていました。
(English version below)
Our school provides the students with a variety of learning opportunities apart from regular daily lessons, which include the seminar-style study for the first-year students conducted by professors from Shinshu University. The second-year students have had somewhat different styles of additional learning chances given by the teachers at Fukashi and lecturers from outside of school. The teachers in our school seem to enjoy discussing and lecturing on different topics from their daily lessons in the classroom.
Guest lecturers include Mr. Osawa Masachi, famous sociologist, giving a lecture on the famous Japanese animations from sociological points of view, and Mr. Endo Morinobu, distinguished professor at Shinshu University, telling the students about the importance of creativity and innovation.
Mr. Endo’s lecture was followed by the time for discussion where a lot of students asked a question after another continuously, with the lecturer’s argument and explanation to the point. Many students were impressed by the professor’s words such as “To enter a university is not your goal; your future awaits you after the academic period,” and “Never, never, never, and never give up!”
Furthermore, we provide the students with the chance to listen to recent studies from researchers at Kyoto University.
I hope all the students at Fukashi will make the most of these rare chances to think of how to develop their careers for the rest of their lives.