第174号 放送部 NHK杯 準優勝
【放送部 全国準優勝のこと】
令和3年7月27日に行われた 第68回 NHK杯 全国高校放送コンテストにおいて、本校放送部が、決勝で優秀4作品にノミネートされ、最終的に準優勝を獲得しました。

準優勝した本校の「つないで つないで!!」はテレビドキュメント部門で、全国では413作品のエントリーがありました。


「つないで! つないで!」は以下のNHKのページでご覧いただけます。「テレビドキュメント」をクリックしてご覧ください。8分の作品です。
(English version below)
The 68th NHK broadcasting contest for high school students was held online on the 27th of July, and our broadcasting team won second place in the “TV Document,” with the 8-minute production titled “Tsunaide Tsunaide!!” literally, “Put us through, or go hand-in-hand.”
The contest consisted of 6 categories (Announcing, Recitation, Radio document, TV document, Radio drama, and TV drama), and a total of 11,988 students took part from 1,433 high schools nationwide. Eight high schools from Nagano prefecture advanced to the national competition.
Ms. Yano Akira who played the main role in the production says,
“I came upon a question a year ago in the middle of the corona tumult. In primary schools or junior high schools, you have a TV broadcasting system and you can watch educational videos with ease in the classroom, but in high schools there is no such system.
“I read old documents regarding the broadcasting system in high schools, asked the professors in colleges, and even interviewed the board of education in Nagano. Still, I couldn’t solve the problem. This is why I needed to go further into the issue, which was good to me and made me think that communication with others was interesting to me.
“I am satisfied with the fact that we got second place, but I am also happy with the fact that our school introduced a similar broadcasting system this year.”
Ms. Ootsuki who took a designing role in the production with her juniors says,
“I tried to convey the message as simply as possible by drawing skillful illustrations so that the viewing audience could easily understand the story. I would like to brush up the power of self-expression and organization.”
You can watch their production on the NHK website above.