第169号 全国大会で健闘を

まず、「令和3年度 全国高等学校総合体育大会(インターハイ)」は福井、新潟、富山、石川、長野、和歌山の各県で7月24日から8月24日にかけて分散開催されます。
また、陸上部の重田篤希くん(2年)は男子棒高跳競技で県大会を勝ち抜き、北信越大会で3位入賞(記録4m 50)。7月27日から福井県で行われる全国大会に出場します。
「輝け君の汗と涙 北信越総体2021」
文化系クラブでは、棋道部 囲碁班が、日本棋院が主催する囲碁選手権大会において、男子団体県予選で優勝し、8月17日から東京で行われる全国大会に参加します。メンバーは小野寺翔くん、飯島靖之くん、麻生佳乃子さん(以上3年)、樋口郁くん(1年)です。

(English version below)
Quite a number of students in Fukashi Senior High are attending a variety of national competitions, contests, or meetings in the summertime.
As for interscholastic athletic meet, a team of five tennis players will participate in the national tournament held in Matsumoto, starting on the 2nd of August.
Mr. Shigeta, a pole vault athlete, is going on to the national track and field competition starting on the 27 of July in Fukui prefecture.
As for cultural activities, a “go” team is attending a tournament held in Tokyo which starts on the 17th of August, and our broadcasting club is also attending the national contest online in three categories.
In addition, a big annual cultural festival for high school students nationwide will be held in Wakayama prefecture from the 31st of July through the 6th of August. The categories our students will attend include chorus, orchestra, broadcasting, game of go, shogi, and literary arts.
One of the members in the “go” club says, “We want to advance to the best 8. What “go” attracts me is the pleasure to attack the area of the component by putting the go stones in a strategic way. I am also interested in watching the way others put stones because you can see their personality by observing the way they put stones.”
Still other students will go to some national meets this summer. I hope all the participants at Fukashi will do their best in the gatherings and meetings, competing with other high school students from all over Japan, which I am sure will help them lead a much more satisfactory school life later on.