第166号 今井義明 前校長からのメッセージ
【深志第24代 今井義明 前校長からのメッセージ】
令和三年六月 今井義明
<松本中学校> (1)小林有也 (2)本荘太一郎 (3)高橋清一 (4)羽石重雄 (5)秋田実 (6)小山保雄 (7)清水謙一郎 (8)小西謙
<松本深志高校> (1)小西謙 (2)岡田甫 (3)平林圭介 (4)赤羽誠 (5)伊沢集治 (6)平林六弥 (7)小原元亨 (8)岩垂潔 (9)鈴木脩 (10)小山洋 (11)小林弘一 (12)井出賢次 (13)春日親夫 (14)中山茂 (15)中村磐根 (16)平林尚武 (17)百瀬哲夫 (18)藤本光世 (19)坂巻道弘 (20)高橋康人 (21)百瀬康雄 (22)田中正吉 (23)小口俊幸 (24)今井義明 (25)塩野英雄
(English version below)
A letter from Mr. Imai Yoshiaki, former principal, is always on my desk, with the hand-written message on it telling me that he would be grateful if I could take good care of this high school.
The vice-superintendent of schools in the board of education in Nagano gave us a message again this time with the professional-level illustration of his shown above.
He writes,
“I started to do my administrative work in the board again. When I look back, I really appreciate the kindness you all gave me when I was a principal for as long as four years at a school where I myself had studied, with the longest history and tradition in Nagano prefecture.
“I would like to thank all concerned including highly-gifted students and their parents, excellent teachers, alumni association, and residents in the neighborhood for supporting school warmly, sometimes financially.
“I hope that the school will elevate to new heights with its unique approach to learning, evolving its autonomous spirits and self-governing characteristics in line with the times.
“I am resolved to work in the office, thinking of what is actually needed on site. I wish you all for good health and happiness.”
Receiving his message, I’ve decided to make an increased effort to improve the situation.
For more information, I have shown the website telling about the very first principal of this school, and also listed all the principals throughout its history starting in 1876.