第164号 硬式庭球部 インターハイ46年ぶり
【男子 硬式庭球部 46年ぶりにインターハイ出場】


顧問の 髙野大二郎 先生からもメッセージをいただいています。


(English version below)
I honored the tennis players in our school club for achievement in the prefectural tennis tournament and for getting a ticket to play in the national competition.
In my office, the students looked good with a tan, powerfully built, and full of youthful energy. The captain mentions that this victory was gained by combined efforts of all the club members even though particular students had actually played in the court, which reminds us of the importance of close association and influence of peers in high school days.
Have a look at their enthusiasm and determination by clicking the file attached above.
Mr. Takano Daijiro, their adviser, also comments;
“I would like to thank all people concerned for lots of warm and supporting messages sent after the students placed 2nd in the team competition of the prefectural tournament; the messages were from the alumni association, the former club members, their guardians, and their teachers and friends as well.
“These warm messages have certainly reached every club member, reminding them of having experienced a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of playing tennis under the spread of COVID-19.
“The objectives of the club activity include to develop their personal growth both physically and mentally, as well as to develop their tennis skills. Mr. Maekawa, the captain, and Mr. Imai, the team manager, both have led the team members with an iron will and determination; they thought that they could be nominated as one of the two representatives from Nagano for the national tournament, since more than one nominee can take part from the prefectures where the national competition is to take place.
“I am proud of the team members, and hope they will play as normally in the next stage as they can in the nearby courts in Matsumoto. I am sure they will show what they have there. Thank you again for your attention.”