第163号 陸上部 北信越大会へ
【陸上部 北信越大会出場決定】
金古 廉 くん 男子800m 第5位(1分56秒43)
田中 快 くん 男子走高跳 第4位(1m85)
重田 篤希 くん 男子棒高跳 第2位(4m40)
田中 快 くん 男子走幅跳 第2位(6m87)
近藤 美波 さん 女子1500m 第4位(4分43秒77)
近藤 美波 さん 女子3000m 第2位(9分57秒96)
田中 千晴 さん 女子5000m競歩 第3位(31分01秒51)


(English version below)
Our students in the track team won a prize in seven categories both in track and field in the official Nagano athletic meet, and will compete in the next stage against nominated students from 5 prefectures including Nagano. The championship will take place in Fukui prefecture in the middle of July. I hope they will do their best there.
The results in the Nagano meet were as follows.
( Men’s )
Kaneko Ren placed 2nd in 800 meters.
Tanaka Kai placed 4th in the high jump.
Shigeta Atsuki placed 2nd in the pole jump.
Tanaka Kai placed 4th in the long jump.
( Women’s )
Kondo Minami placed 4th in 1500 meters.
Kondo Minami placed 2nd in 3000 meters.
Tanaka Chiharu placed 3rd in 5000-meter walking.
Last year no official games in the interscholastic athletic meet were held because of the spread of COVID-19, except in some winter sports. This year, however, with precaution against the virus, the competitions in each event are being held for now; in Nagano, most prefectural games are to take place in the end of June and the beginning of July.
To see the strong messages (in Japanese) from the track club members, click “download” above.
Their coach Mr. Uesugi who teaches PE, comments;
“To begin with, I would like to thank all those involved for holding the sports meet so far under COVID-19. I would also like to thank all the guardians, the former track team members, and the teachers at Fukashi for always supporting us.
Since you cannot tell what will happen under the spread of the virus, I have always told the students that this very competition they are in can be the last they are able to join, which may have made the students grow a lot. I think that the students look forward to the athletic meet more than ever as they can show what they have got through the training on the track. I am happy to see every member confidently compete with others now.
The 5 nominated members to play in the next stage are all good athletes, and I think that all of them have a chance to get a ticket to the national sports meeting if they play as usually as they do. I wish all of them good luck in Fukui!”
To play in Interscholastic athletic meet is a final target for many high school students who train themselves in sports clubs. Most third-year students decide to quit their club activity after the meet to advance their career. I think that club activities are to be carried out through the independent and voluntary participation of students, and that you can get a lot of important things through the activity even if you cannot win a game.
(For reference, see the homepage of the Nagano High School Sports Confederation shown above to find the programs of every sport for high school students in Nagano.)